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Frequently Answered Questions

"Those who understand need no explanation. Those who do not even understand are without doubt Tarriers!"

Source: W. McBoyne

This page is the page where I can give answers to some of my most Frequently Answered Questions that are asked. There are many a myth surrounding the Tarrier and also other things which you might want to know and can find out here. The nature of Tarrier hunting is secret, and covert, and undercover, and secretive, and stealthy, and dangerous, and out of sight so I have to keep my powder dry because there is a WAR! on while I am fighting FIRE! with FIRE! and finding Tarriers.

If any of your questions have not been answered here and you are still angry on this page then you should send me a private email to: or twitter me @TarrierHunt





What is the Tarrier's endgame?

The Tarriers endgame is the total extermination and annihilation and ethnic cleansing of US and everything that was good about this Country when WE  were the Establishment. Imagine a Zionist Jew Cult from Isreal taking the reins of POWER in Nazi Germany while Hitler, Goering and Goebbels were asleep and they are now in control of the ovens. It's like that!

Have you ever been accused of racism or sectarianism?

Never! Everyone knows that unlike Protestants the Tarriers are not a race. QED! Any charges of sectarianism would see a good lawyer drive a bus though them in a Court of LAW because the Tarriers are a CULT!  and not a sect.

How many Tarriers have you caught?

It's only a matter of time and I have my eye on quite a FEW!  The Tarrier by nature is shadowy & sinister and keeps a low profile while in the process of infiltrating the Establishment. This the way of the Tarrier! Once they drop their guard it will be easy but the apartheid schooling they have received has trained them well from cradle to grave in the DARK ARTS!  Coming Soon.


Where do you find Tarriers?



How can you spot a Tarrier?

Just open your curtains in the morning and you will be looking at Tarriers. Who put the "pape" in paperboy? PRECISELY!  Set up to deliver to our doors every morning the fresh propaganda hot off the presses of every Tarrier controlled Media organ. Ever wondered what the "RS" in RSMcColl stands for? ROMAN SCOTLAND!  that's what.


Why have Tarriers managed to take control of everything?

A segregated apartheid schooling system, where young Protestants have been prevented from playing with their best pals is to BLAME!  Once separated the Tarrier mind-control apparatus goes into full effect and teaches them how to be Lawyers, and Politicians, and Journalists, and Priests, and clever at lots of things that used to be under OUR control. While we have been walking the the Queen's Highway they have been walking the corridors of POWER! The Tarrier never sleeps.

How can we stop the Tarriers?

With the Tarrier now in complete CONTROL of the Political, Media and Legal machinery of our once great Country we have to fight fire with FIRE!  We are ready to mobilise, but we need Leaders to tell us what to do! If we had Leaders then we would be an unstoppable force leading the vanguard. We need a return to the work ethic of the Shipyards and their Protestant Think-Tanks that were so revered during the WAR for their contribution to society that they were shielded from active duty. These are the Leaders we need NOW!

If any of your questions have not been answered here and you are still angry on this page then you should send me a private email to: or twitter me @TarrierHunt

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